'Tiny Sensation' - Dwarf/Pot Asiatic Hybrid Lily

Lily Bulb Description

Flower Description: These naturally short, early blooming Asiatic lilies were 20 years in the making. Perfect for garden, containers and greenhouse. Plants grow 18"-24" tall, flower May/June and are unscented. Expect more flowers per stem than the older "Pixie" lilies. These lovelies can even go into a bit of shade without a need of staking, but will tend be somewhat taller. Base color is bright yellow, but each petal is smothered in reddish spots that "run" together for a outstanding display. 18" to 24". May to June Flowering. Unscented.
Photo Inset is of a outward to downfacing form of a 'Tiny Sensation' type hybrid. Whereas 'Tiny Sensation' faces more upward, when released, this lovely will give your garden more of the species or wild lily look. This first bloom photographed on June 22, 2009 may be ready for market in 2016 or 2017. Seedling selection bred by Johan Mak.
Bulb Size - Our standard for bulbs of this lily cultivar ranges from Premium-size™ (14/16 cm) to Exhibition-size™ (over 20 cm). Click here for details.
Classification: Asiatic Hybrid Lily Bulb(USDA Zones 3-10, lows to -40° F.)
Stock # 1067 - 'Tiny Sensation' - Asiatic Lily Bulb
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