'Seventy-six Trombones' (Trumpet Lilies)

Lily Bulb Description
Classification: Oriental-Trumpet Hybrid (USDA Zones 5-9, colder climates w/winter mulch.)NEW! Here's a large group of mixed Trumpet bulbs, produced from seed, mostly in shades of icy pink to deep rose-magenta, some with yellow throats or pale picotee edges. A few whitish L. regale types and golden yellow to apricot colors also were produced from the open cross, but at least half of the field bulbs were light to dark pink this summer. Many of these could be selected out for further propagation as a nice clonal selection, but we can't keep them all, so you benefit from a diverse group of new trumpet hybrids for your garden at reasonable prices. You will find a good number of upfacing types in this mix.
Great as background plants and marvelous as a heavily fragrant border in July, these lily bulbs will probably require staking the second or third year if not grown in full sun. To keep from damaging the underground bulb, put a short marker next to each lily that can be later removed for a taller support if need be. We prefer using "rebar" found in any hardware store for areas that are mulched with bark, for when the iron rod rusts, the stake is not as noticeable in our landscape, but any sturdy stake at least 5 feet tall (above ground) will do. 4 to 6 feet tall at maturity, July bloom. NOTE: PRICE IS FOR PACKAGE OF 3 BULBS.
I>Bulb Size - Our standard for bulbs of this lily cultivar ranges from Premium-size» (16/18 cm) to Exhibition-size» (over 20 cm). Click here for details.
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This site was updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2023.
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