'Victorian Petticoat' aka 'Smokey Mountain' - Orienpet Hybrid Lily Bulb

Lily Bulb Description

Flower Description: An exclusive introduction back in 1999 along with it's sister selection 'Victorian Ruffles', this lily later found its way to the lily market under the name of ‘Smokey Mountain’. Back in 1999, both lilies were introduced at $50. each and both sold out that year.
A slow grower, we set both on the back burner so to speak to work with faster propagating Orienpets while offering small crops through 2005. With time being not only the best, but the most crucial test for true garden lily performance, while ‘Victorian Ruffles’ slowly fell by the wayside, ‘Victorian Petticoat’ just kept performing year after year but now after a long absence, she is back. These deep, deep, almost black red flowers have a contrasting ivory-white edge and an interesting yellow throat. Slightly pendant, these flowers are in a class of “grace” by themselves. Normally 4 to 5 Feet, she can reach 7 feet or more. Late July to early August Bloom.
Please note that these are large "flowering size" 14/16 cms bulbs that will produce 1 to 3 flowers their first year while settling in.
Bulb Size - Our standard for bulbs of this Orienpet Hybrid Lily Bulb cultivar ranges from Premium-size" (14/16 cm) to Exhibition-size" (over 20 cm). Click here for details.
Classification: Orienpet Hybrid Lily Bulb (USDA Zones 5-9, colder climates w/winter mulch.)
Stock # 9146 - 'Victorian Petticoat' - Orienpet Lily Bulb
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