'L. tsingtauense' (Lilium)

Lily Bulb - 'L. tsingtauense'
Lily Bulb - 'L. tsingtauense'
Item# LS149
©2008-2010, Robert J. Gibson. This page is for reference only, not as an offer to sell species bulbs or seeds. Click on 'Species Lilies' to your left for currently offered bulbs.: 

Lily Bulb Description

An unique Martagon type lily, Lilium tsingtauense holds is waxy "sun-kissed" orange, star-shaped flowers fairly upright atop 3 foot stems. Carrying a light but unpleasant scent, bulbs of this species rarely show up in commerce. It is best grown in areas of light shade with soil being kept on the damp side.

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