'L. kelloggii var. 'Boyd Kline'' (Lilium)

Lily Bulb Description
This is a rare, pure white color form found in a single colony of Lilium kelloggii off Highway 199 in Northern California that varies from pure white to the more familiar pink. The white (or albino) form seemed to all produce unusually large anthers, as can be seen in the photo.
Discovered by Mr. Boyd Kline, the location of this colony is a closely guarded secret to protect it from plant collectors. Thinking about looking for it? Hwy 199 stretches from Grants Pass, Oregon to Crescent City, California and the fire road leading to its location is not for the faint of heart!
If your vehicle does not have river crossing clearance or will not turn around in a width of less than 8 feet, have "D8" stenciled on it, plan on backing down a loose gravel road approximately six miles, parts of which are so steep that your vehicle will not stop, but just continues to slide down the hill with gravel acting as marbles under your tires. Should you try to attempt it, don't take your wife, Dianna refused to go!
Photo taken of plant in natural habitat. We have never tried to propagate this lily though the thought has been given to putting a immature bud into tissue culture.
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